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Letter From the Chairman/CEO

Greetings Supporters and Contributors,


Feed The Needy extends a warm welcome to each of you as we prepare for our upcoming holiday season. This Thanksgiving we will proudly celebrate 29 years of service. Next Easter we will celebrate 7 years of service. Both heartfelt initiatives bring us together as a community as we work to help our neighbors in need.

We all know that the global pandemic has elevated the cost of products and services. Feed The Needy has to raise additional funds to cover food costs and stabilize our program. Many of our families continue to struggle because of the elevated cost of living, food, rent, utilities, medical and other expenses. Without volunteer efforts and financial contributions, Feed The Needy Program recipients would spend the holidays with much less.  Your dedication, leadership and passion are a testament to what it means to be “My Brother’s Keeper.”

There are several of our neighbors that do not have enough to meet their basic needs. According to the 2022 University of Memphis Fact sheet Memphis ranked second in poverty among large MSAs (population greater than 1,000,000) and fifth when including cities with over 500,000 population.


We’re going to continue to partner with individuals and organizations that help us achieve our goal of:


  • Distributing Thanksgiving and Easter food baskets

  • Promoting nutrition and healthy eating

  • Donating to local food pantries and after school programs


This annual meeting to pack and deliver these donations are capstone events that encourage your volunteers to continue in service. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure. We know the work will be greatly appreciated and received.


Our Feed The Needy families remind me that service should be who we are, not just what we do. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely thank you for your help and pray God’s blessings on you.



Ruth Rawlings-Banks Chairman/CEO




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